We Demand the Disability Establishment End Its Relationships with War Profiteers
July 1, 2024
"Disability justice cannot exist under settler colonialism, military occupation, imprisonment, and apartheid. We write this in support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, dignity, and self-determination." - The Abolition and Disability Justice Coalition, 2021
We are a collective of disabled individuals who have joined together to call for a free Palestine and the end to the U.S. disability establishment's partnership with war profiteers and complicity with genocide and colonialism. Some of us are affiliated with organizations in the U.S. disability advocacy space and some of us are not. We come together as comrades and reject the elitist and ableist idea that critiques from disabled people who are affiliated with disability advocacy organizations carry more validity than critiques from disabled people who are not affiliated with them.
During Disability Pride Month, we call on disabled individuals to recognize that there is no disability justice and no disability pride without a free Palestine.
According to Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a Palestinian surgeon who had to perform amputations on wounded Gazan children, Palestine now has the largest cohort of child amputees in history. The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has estimated that "half of the population of Gaza, more than one million people, is expected to face death and starvation by the middle of July." According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Israel's offensive in Rafah cut off almost 3,000 children from receiving treatment for malnutrition, putting them at imminent risk of death.
Disabled Palestinians in Gaza, already suffering from lack of access to medical care and assistive technology due to Israel's 16-year illegal blockade of Gaza, are disproportionately at risk of dying. The Israeli blockade has cut off access to food, water, medication, and assistive devices. People with mobility, chronic illness, visual, hearing, mental health, or developmental disabilities may not be informed about evacuation orders or be unable to evacuate quickly enough to avoid further disablement or death. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have systematically targeted and bombed critical infrastructure including hospitals, schools, and roads, leading to a total collapse of Gaza's health system and the decimation of Gaza's education system.
Many disability organizations and their appointed leaders have been silent about the mass disabling event and genocide that has been happening since last October. Silence is complicity.
In the months since the escalation of the genocide of Gaza began, many U.S. disability rights organizations have continued to foster financial and collaborative relationships with companies that profit from the oppression and genocide of Palestinians. Several disability rights organizations, which advocate for equal rights and treatment for disabled Americans, accept funding and have fostered partnerships with major war profiteers and weapons manufacturers including Northrop Grumman, Booz Allen, Boeing, RTX/Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Motors, and Google. These companies manufacture and profit from the weapons, vehicles, aircraft, and technology that Israel is using to wage its genocidal campaign to kill and maim as many Palestinians as possible. The United Nations has called on weapons manufacturers to cease the sale and transfer of weapons to Israel or risk being complicit in violations of international human rights laws. We cannot build a movement for disability equality on funding that comes from the genocide of our disabled peers in Palestine and elsewhere in the Global South.
Disability rights organizations go further than accepting money from war profiteers: they honor them with disability inclusion awards. For instance, The 2023 Disability Equality Index, presented by Disability:IN, awarded HP, Siemens, Barclays, Chevron, Intel, and eleven weapons manufacturing companies with the top score 100 of "Best Places to Work." All 16 companies are corporate partners with Disability:IN. The companies give Disability:IN their sponsorship money. Meanwhile, Disability:IN and its state affiliates award them the title of "best places to work" for disabled people, all while those exact same companies build and send their weapons and technology to the governments and militaries committing genocide against disabled Palestinians, Congolese, Sudanese, Tigrayans, and Haitians. In light of the central role student movements on college campuses have played in organizing actions for Palestine, it is essential to note that Disability:IN has a program for disabled college students, NextGen Leader Initiative, that matches them with mentorships at these companies, thus directly guiding many disabled youth into working at companies profiting from the colonization of Palestine and the Global South. This years-long pattern is just one example of several disability rights organizations having connections with exploitative corporations in the name of advancing disability inclusion. These relationships are a feature of the systems, not a bug.
Disability Pride Month ushers in the 2024 Disability Equality index on July 15 and the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26. Like all liberation movements within the United States, the fight for disability justice is led by Queer, Black, Brown, and Indigenous disabled people and centers their struggles. Disability Justice is a framework that recognizes the value and needs of all bodies through cross-disability and movement solidarity, leadership of the most impacted, community care, and revolutionary hope. It fights colonialism and its impact on the global majority (Black and Brown people). Disabled individuals must recognize it is our collective responsibility to protest and reject the weaponization of disability for profit at the cost of disabled lives in Palestine and Global South, and at home on Turtle Island, particularly in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.
In order to be in solidarity with the Palestinian people and all people of the Global South:
1. We demand disability advocacy organizations refuse donations, sponsorships, and partnerships from corporations that:
- Create, finance, and sell the weapons and technology used to perpetuate the mass-disabling and genocide of Palestinian infants, children, and adults.
- Invest in the exploitation of Palestinian land
- Are otherwise complicit in or profiting from Israel's war crimes
2. We demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation of Palestine.
3. We demand that disability rights organizations end the practice of honoring war profiteers with disability inclusion awards, as this practice uses the idea of workplace equality to manufacture disabled people's complicity and consent with the mass disablement and genocide of our disabled peers in Palestine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tigray, Sudan, Haiti, and elsewhere in the Global South.
It is imperative that we center the lives of disabled Palestinians and disabled people in the Global South, listening to them and following their lead.
A better world is possible if we realize all of our struggles are interconnected and recognize the humanity inherent of all people.
With respect and solidarity,
Disability Divest
Ronja Abraham
Providing Access
Yael Acker-Krzywicki
Angeline Adams
Joan Adams
Tobias Ådin
Folusho Akinkunmi
Genevieve Akins
Noor Al-Ahmadi
Roman Albertson
Eyad Alkurabi
Stephanie Allen
Ah Allen-Eck
Angelina Alonzi
Azza Altaraifi
Hannah Alvard
Adele Amaro
Abigail Amat
Fabiola Amaya
Aaron Ambrose
Anna Anderson
Maya Andresino
Liz Andromeda
Husam Rashed Arafat
Gina Aruanno
June aruanno
Loretta Arvizu
Dan Ashworth
Jamie Aster
Joan Autio
Nevi Avila
Topher Ávila
Kaden Badali
Robin Bailey
Reuben Baker-Shechtman
Shubha Bala
Dara Baldwin
Colby Ball
Sasha Banaga
Vikas Bangar
Lindsay Baran
Sibley Barlow
Jacqueline Barnes
Kay Ulanday Barrett
Ellie Barrow
Emory Bartholet
Jun Bas
Nelly Basilly
Rachel Bass
Kristen Beaulieu
Morgan Beisner
Heather Benfield
Braia Benjamin
Gloria Bennett
Owen Berson
Juno Bertuna
Faith Bissen
Aidan Black
Reija Blades
Sarah Blahovec
Katie Blecker
Seven Blond
David Bobier
Jamie Bolland
Natalya Bomani
Hernan Bonomo
hajer boojer
Megan Bottino
Ashley Boyd Ferman
Heather Boyer
Ella Bradwell
Kathryn Braemer
Owen Brakspear
Bri Bratsman
Clint Bratton
Mark Brenner
Leo Briggs
Gracen Brilmyer
Ariana Briones
Sarah Broas
Daniel Brodsky
Lauren Brooks
Rocco Brooks
Jaz Brown
Latitude Brown
Lydia X. Z. Brown
rebecca brown
Danielle Bruce
Crystal Bryan
Aidan Bryant
Miche Budin
Audrey Burch
Robin Burgess
Madison Burr
Nicole Buss
Candace Cable
Lalo Caldera aka Leona Love
Allie Cannington
Sarah Canoy
Saverio Cantoni
Nicole Canzoneri
Riely Capece
Borealis Capps
Gwen Cariker
Caelen Carleton
Dayshun Carper
Neal Carter
Laura Carther
Riz Carthins
Stephanie L Cartwright-Karlsson
Lizzie Cass-Maran
Joshua Castro
Jack Catalano
Ass Catchum
Anna Cechony
Allison Celosia
Keidra Chaney
Leanne Charette
Gautam Chaudhury
Victoria Chávez
Sunshine Cheng
Sossity Chiricuzio
Helen Chong
Ara Chorqmarzbantsi
Alyssa Christopher
Chris Churchill
s churng
A Ciardullo
Moriah Claire
Erin Clancy
maya clark
Sierra Clawson
Shelby Cole
Sarah Colero
Carolyn Collado
J. Avery Collado
Roberta Collison
Darcy Combs
Leigha Comer
Elizabeth Conn
Kacei Conyers
Brenton Cooney
Oberon Cornish
Salem Corwin
Neuro Cosmos/Ezra Star
Sita Costello
Melanie Coughlin
Rachel Cournoyer
Ashley Cowan D’Ambrosio
Nu Metal Cowboy
Chris Cowden
Kristen Cox
Chloe Cran
Sebastian Sean Crow
Maddie Crowley
Leslie Cruz
Sky Cubacub
Cillian Cullina
Justice Curry
Elio Curtis
Anna Czosnyka
Ryan D'Urso DeVico
Dylan Dailor
Hex Damelio
Laura Danger
Latifa Daud
JD Davids
Tabitha/All Big Canines Davies
S.K. Davis
Bek Dawson
Jess De Vitt
Mia De Vos
Dia Dear
Jen Deerinwater
Nika Deitch
Wiktor Dekarz
Olivia Dellston
Laura DeMarco
Ianthe MP Dempsey
Kathleen DeNicola
Donnie TC Denome
Marcia Dernie
Priya Desai
Rin Desikan
Phoenix Lenore Devaroux
Sarah Devine
Sophie Di
Carolyn Diamond
Michelle Diaz
Kelsey Dinoia
Sam Docteur
Megan E Doherty
Nora Dondero
Anna Donnell
Corvyn Dostie
Sophie Dover
Emily Drennen
Maureen Duggan
Kay Durso
Nicole Dutzman
Alexa Early
El Eckert
Caolan Eder
Amanda Eisenhour
Leigh Eldridge
Joy Ellis
Ariel Elofer
Vera Elwood
Kim Endell
Nicole Enfield
Dove ER
Shay Erlich
Erica Erney
negar esfandiari
Lisa Evans
Loryn Evans
Margaret Evans
Lu Everman
Brad Evoy
Isra Fakhruddin
Courtney Falk
Robin Fallowfield
Alexa Farrah
Samantha Feder
Mateo Fertig
Megan Fialkowski
Briana Fields
Lavender Fields
Leah Finn
Ashlee Fisher
Hannah Fisher Gray
Thiana Fitzhugh
Sierra Fleenor
Caden Flynn
Marie Follayttar
Olive Folsetter
Kathryn Foote
Kathleen Foran-McHale
Carla Forbes
Katrina Forrestall
Adriana Foster
Ludo Foster
Kesha Frank
Sunil Freeman
Casey Froehlich
Sarah Fukami
Rads G
Daniel Gajewski
Toby Gallant
Elizabeth Gamberg
Ravi Ganesan
Mama Ganuush
Maya Garcia
Rebirth Garments
Kris Garritaigh
Jennifer Gates
Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril
David Gayes
Lisa Geiszler
Bree George
Zak George
Connor Gephart
Elise Gerhart
Stephanie Giamberardino
Leigh Gibbons
Dustin Gibson
Haben Girma
Giovana Giscomé
Laura Gluckman
Emily Gold
Anna Goldberg
Ouseli Gomez
Yaretzi Gonzalez I
Jules Good
Kevin Gotkin
August Grace
Mercedes Grant
Pierce Gravenstine
Lilith Graves
Sheryl Green
Katherine Greenstein
Julie Greiner
Molly Griest
Eiryn Griest Schwartzman
Christina Griffin-Jones
Scott Gruber
Alex Guardia
Sylvie Gunderson
Natalie Gustin
Violet Gutshall
Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong
Vic Gómez Betancourt
Rhys Hague
Laura Halvorson
Bailey Hammond
Kelan Hammons
Amber Hampton
Maeve Hanna
Evan Hansen
Hannah Hardendorf
Mak Harmon
Kenzie Harris
Leah Harris
Jolee Harston
Amy Harth
Tyler Hartley
Violeta Hassol-Barbosa
Henry Harwood
Julia Havard
Corinne Hawk
Rebecca Hayes
Heidi Hayward
Ashlei Heffernan
C Heis
Mandy Henningham
Ollie Henry
Julieanne Hensley
Scott Hermann
Sophia Hernandez
Sarah Hewitt
Stiffy Hice
emrys hicks-santos
awal hidayat
Casey Hidekawa
Amanda Hill
Gwendolyn Hill
Sam Hinds
Elizabeth Hinsdale
bennett hixson
Sandy Ho
Reese Hogan
Cath Hopkins
Rhianna Hopkins
van hopper
M Horowitz
Galaktion Host
Kathy Hough
Abigail Houghton
Lilli Howard-Sear
Harriet Huestis
Jessica Hughes
Nikkole Hughes
Victoria Hughes
Riley Hurt
Christina Illarmo
Em Indelicato
emma jackson
Jerome Jackson
Liz Jackson
Wren Jackson
LJ Jaffee
Amba Jagnarine
Axeen James
K James
Camilla Jerome
Cameron Jette
Samíl Jimenez-Magdaleno
Emily Johnson
Katie Johnson
Ari Jones
Bridgette Jones
Eva Jones
Sarah Joseph
Jude Joubert
Sarah Jung
Belén Jurado
Te’sha Makamae Kaikamahine Kahumoku-Derricotte
Dana Kaiser-Davidson
Mansha Kakar
Caitlyn Kantaparn
Ame Kaplan
Georgia Tania Karalioliou
Julia Karpicz
Em Kates
Eli Katriel
Shanna Kattari
Stefanie Lyn Kaufman-Mthimkhulu
Aiza Kaulitz
Khushi Kaushik
Margaret Keating
Leah Kell
Hila Keller
Dom Kelly
Karis Kelly
Áine Kelly-Costello
Alexia Kemerling
Roxana Kennedy
Elliott Kenney
Beth Kenny
Emma Kersey
Sulaiman R. Khan
Zahida Khan
kashika Khasa
Helen Kim
Joshua Kim
Kiyun Kim
Maeve (Jill) King
The Dragon King
Janette Kirchner
Vijay Kishor
Adam Klager
Michio Kobayashi
Marlee Koenigsberg
Kristin Koga
Praveen Kolluguri
Chloe Konicki
Alexa Korogodsky
Tiffany Kostan
Emilie Kowalczewski
Salena Kress
Jack Kretzmer
Sage Krims
Mar Kummerman
Tula Kurashige
Jo Lacangan
Elaine LaFay
Julia LaFond
Rebekah Lamb
Anna Landre
Grace Lapointe
Sarah LaRue
Alayna Lassen
Henrieta Lau
Keira Lau
Amelia Laumann
Michael Lavina
Neal Lawrenz
Robyn Leadbeater
Renee LeBlanc
Grace Lee
Henri Lee
Leona Lee
Whitney Lee Geertsen
Rachel Leeds
Louise Legun
Laurie Lehman
Christa Lei
Madi Lekei
Michele Lent Hirsch
Madisen Lewis
Ezme Fern Lillian
Amad Lindblom
Joseph Lindros
Lula Lioness
Teapot Little
Crystal Liu
kati llewellyn
Elliott Lloyd
Heather Lobitz
Heidi Lockwood
Alex Locust
Jordan Lome
Rex Long
Nicole Lopez-Jantzen
Giovanni Loredo
King Lotus Boy
Ama Love
Jim Loveland
thai lu
Rachel Lucarz
Jimena Lucero
katherine luken raz
Alan Luppino
Erin Lynn
Touretta Lynn
Gracielx López
Fox Machado
Jynx macTavish
Krissy Mahan
Meghadeepa Maity
Ara Makdessian
Fiona Maley
Nicole Malinoff
Ilah Mallari
Sindhu manjunath
Andy Mann
Kara Mannor
Felix Manocha-Seymour
Clarissa Mansfield
Larissa Mansura
Jessica Maple
Camille Marcotte
Lydia Marie
Ariana Martinez
Michele Mashburn
Francis Matias
Eleanor Matthews
Jess Matthews
Kierstin Maurer
Elizabeth Mayes
Valerie McCann
Blake McCreery-Cullifer
Aimee McDairmant
Kaitlen McElroy
Alex McEwin
Lauren McGehean
Emily McIntyre
Spirit McIntyre
Harper McKenzie
Tina McKim
Devon McKnight
Jordan McNeil
Dylan McNulty-Holmes
Blaire McRae
Quinn Meehan
Brandon Meenan
Lily Mei
Kelley Meister
Alyxx Melendez
Holly Melton
Keva Melvin
Caitlyn Menchaca
Veralucia Mendoza Arana
Mariah Menendez
Hannah Mesouani, Ph.D
Katie Meyer
Ariel Mihic
Kate Miller
Sylvia Miller
Alyssa Minor
Danielle Mireles
Alexa Mohamed
Hadiel Mohamed
Shatha Mohammed
Lindsay Mohler
Leroy Moore
Reid Moore
Sarah Moore
Pete Morency
Zack Morris
Hollie Morse
Nathan Morse
Nic Mueller
rachel mulder
Alessandra Muller-Thym
Caroline Muniak
Vidya Muthupillai
Kate Myer
Sara Myers-Maloney
Alex Naase
Sam Naber
Syren Nagakyrie
Auromita Nagchaudhuri
Komal Naqvi
Mari Nero
Trinh Nguyen
Lachair ni Chochlain
Payge Nilsestuen
Ainsley Nix
Tiana No
Vex Noa
Tamara Noor
Cecilia Norman
Aleta Norris
Aleph Null
Alison O'Connell
Katie O'Connell
Yasmine O'Connor
Rhiannon Olivaw
Stéfanie Olivier
Huong On
Vincent Ornelas
Valerie Orozco
Andrea Ortega
Agata Ostaszewska
Kristen Otenti
Sommer Ott
Chris Otten
Faro Palazzolo
Lindsey Pamlayne
Rose Panke
Erin Parciasepe
Adrian Parks
Germán Parodi
Lynne Parson
Rylie Partin
Emmett Patterson
Jacqueline Patterson
Jessica Paulino
Kisa Payne
Sara Payo
Dina Peone
Jennifer Pereira
Caitlin Perry
Tiffany Pervis
Arden Phanes
Isaac Philip
Het Phillips
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Leo Pineda
Makenna Pinkey
Mariah Poitier
Olivia Pollock
Blow Pony
Sophie Poost
Rachel Arlene Redeye Porter
Tania Powers
Fionn Rae Press
Cameron Price
Emory Pringnitz
Cameron Prophett
Samantha Puc
Marion Puvvadi-Daniels
romham pàdraig gallacher
seeley quest
Jennifer Radomski
Aurora Rahman
Tara M. Rai
Albert Ramer
Isabella Ramirez de Arellano
Siobhán Ramos
Leila M Randall
Hilary Rasch
Weslyn Rawlins
Christopher Reardon
Wren Reeve
Adrienne Rennard
Drago Rentería
Xander Rettino
Annette Reyes
Heidi Reyes
Francesca Riccio-Ackerman
rin rin
Charlie Richter
Gabriela Rios Gonzalez
Bo Rittapa
Yiming Roberts-Lo
Colleen Roche
Arianna Rodriguez
Megan Rogge
Zig Rorer
Amanda Rosado
Em Rosen
Erin Rosenfeld
Deborah Rosenstein
Keith Rosenthal
Gregory J. Rosmaita
Johnathan Ross
Mysha Ross
Rebel Rouser
Rachel Rovinsky
Christina Ruiz
Diane Russell
Bee Rutchik
Maddy Ruvolo
Hyunjung Ryu
Agha Saadat
Laura Saavedra
Raika Sailing
Josephine Sales
Marina Salman
Lexi Salt
Lauren Samblanet
Ruth Sangree
Coral Santana
Roger Santerre
Monica Santis
Miriam Saperstein
Emily Sara
Jhinuk Sarkar
garden sator
Bill Savage
x. iman sayeed
Michelle Sayles
Hailey Scandrette
Sami Schalk
Dawn Schelthelm
Erin Schick
Erin Schilling
Sophie Schmitter
Danaleah Schoenfuss
Nicole Lee Schroeder
Katharine Schulman
Emma Schwartz
Maggie Scotece
Madeline Scott
Maya Scott-Chung
Sara Sebahar
Shelby Seier/All Kinds Accessibility Consulting LLC
Tracy Semrow
Finnegan Shannon
Teo Shannon
Akanksha Sharma
Brian Shea
Dax Shelley
Moya Shpuntoff
Latisha Shuff
Gabriel Silvano
Andy Simon
William Simpson
Loren Sinclair
Mister Sister
Man Slaughter
Millie Sloan
Alexandra Smith
Amaya Smith
Kathryn Smith
Megan Smith
Letícia Soares
Simone Sobers
Patrick Soby
Sara Jo Soldovieri
Ryan Soller
Michele Sommerstein
Jen Soriano
Veronica Sousa
Florian Spece
Grace Spence Green
Olivia Spring
Grace Stangroome
Patrick Stanton
Rebecca Steckle
Julia Steel
Mike Steel
Hayley Stefan
Rorie Still
K Stofer
Nina Stoller
Henry Stone
Wren Stryker
Jamie Studenroth
Dulcinea Stuk
Katie Sullivan
Kendra Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
allium sunshine
Chanika Svetvilas
Ryan Szepek
Anthony Tabb
Norah Tafere
Nurdoukht Taghdumbashi
Kari Tamblyn
Edward Taylor
Emma Taylor
Sophia Taylor
Ricki Tea
Ruya Telhami
Robin Templeton
Jazzie Terrell
Bug The Drag Thing
Mudd The Two Spirit
Benjamin Theobald
Sriranjan Thirumalai
Lavender Thomas
Mack Thompson
Mckinley Thompson
Natalia Thompson
Trisha Thompson
Nicole Thomte
Gillian Tidwell
Paul Timmons
Marie Tobiassen
Alexandra Tomlinson
Shannon Tonetta
Clint Torris
Alicia Townes
Hannah Tralka
amanda tran
Kaila Trawitzki
Trixa Treat
August Trepanier
Melinda Trueblood-Stimpson
Jo Troll
zeph True
Samantha Truog
Amelia Tuller
Isobel Turner
Saffron Turner
L Tuthall
Carol Tyson
Valeria Ugalde
Leticia Urieta
Kaera Utsumi
Jarune Uwujaren
Ana Vallejo
Kasper van Dijk
Faatima Vasser 'FaatiTheStreet'
Jasmine Velasco
Megan Velzy
Valois Vera
Sophia Vicencio
Sophia Vlahakis
Nexus Void
Jamie Vuong
Kayleigh Wachter
Elliot Wallace
Danny War
Gillian Ward
Maggie Warren
Mariam Washington
Caitlin Waugh
Isiah Waybright
Siatta Weeks
Marlow/Blake Weiss L
Melissa Wells
Shaye Wentworth
Miranda Wernli
Spencer West
Sara Westrop
Wheelchair Sports Camp/Kalyn Heffernan
Alison Wheeler
Haute Wheels
Symone White
Samuel White Swan-Perkins
Peder Wiegner
Logan Wilkowski
Georgia Williams
Kate Williams
Rua M. Williams
Kara Williamson
Gray Willow
Aubrianna Wilson
Kasey Wilson
Lynne Wilson
Kate Wilson-Burnett
Kathryn Wiltz
Brit Witherspoon
Kaitlyn Wittig Menguc
Chantal Wittrock
Katherine Rose Wolf
Ary Wolfe-Herman
Alice Wong
Sarah Wong
Kristel Wood
bailey woodruff
Bethany Yankie
Hayden Yap
Abel Yemane
Yomi Young
Tamara Yousef
eddie ytuarte
Jillian Zdepski
Roxanne Zech
Hana Zew
Ren Zhang
Jianing Zhao
Shirley Zhong
Tannis Zimmer
Lucy Zimmerman
Isaiah Zirilli
Lila Zucker
Endorsed By
Alexandria for Palestinian Human Rights
All Black Errrythang
Anakbayan DC
Arlington for Palestine
Austin for Palestine Coalition
Austin With Palestine
Basically Wonderful
Black and Pink PDX
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Clean Air Solidarity
Connecticut Trans Community Access Network
CoLiberation Lab
COVID Safe Campus
Crip Riot
cripple Media
Cripps Contra Colonialism
Crips for Palestine
Crushing Colonialism
DC for Ceasefire Now Coalition
Deaf Queer Resource Center
Denver Anti-War Action
Disability Drag Collective
Disability Justice Network of Ontario
Fairfax 4 Palestine
Fat Seattle Social Club
Food Not Bombs DC
FSJP Emerson
Good Trouble Cooperative
Halal and Queer Collective
Health Justice Commons
Inclusive Muslims of Central Virginia
Irish Americans for Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace DC Metro
Los Angeles Spoonie Collective
Ludar Animal Behavior and Consulting
Making Mensches
Mask Bloc DC
Mask Bloc NJ
Mirror Memoirs
New Disabled South
Pan End It!
Party for Socialism and Liberation Washington DC Branch
People's Power Assembly
Project LETS
The Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
Revolutionary Love Media
Salon Kawakib
Shelterwood Collective
Sick and Disabled (SAD) Fair
Sick in Quarters
Social Work Disability Justice League
Spoonie Uni Project
Students for Justice in Palestine at Gallaudet University
Students with Disabilities Advocacy Group
Sunrise Movement DC
Thunder and Lightning Poetry Collective
Toronto Disability Pride March
UMD Graduate Students with Disabilities
Wolfpack Counseling Hub
Women & Gender Studies Students Association at the University of Toronto, Scarborough (WGSSA UTSC)
Write In DC 2024
About Disability Divest
We are a collective of disabled individuals who have joined together to call for a free Palestine and the end to the U.S. disability establishment's partnership with war profiteers and complicity with genocide and colonialism.